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- S I D E D I T O R
- by Harry Bratt
- Text by Dave Moorman
- Every now and then, we make a
- great find on the Internet. I recently
- found the original SID Editor, written
- by Harry Bratt for Craig Chamberlain
- and published by Compute! I emailed
- Mr. Bratt and though he does not have
- the rights, he had no problem with us
- putting SID Editor on this issue. I am
- still chasing down the actual owners
- of Compute!s intellectual properties.
- It might be "The Mouse," which bought
- out ABC. Or is it Ziff-Davis? Who
- knows. And since this program is quite
- unlikely to show up on a DTV -- here
- it is.
- This is exactly what you need if
- you convert SongSmith tunes to
- SIDPlayer format. This is not the
- Enhanced SID Editor that most of our
- transcribers use -- but it will
- certainly do a nice job on simple
- melodies.
- ---------
- When you boot SID Editor, you are
- first confronted with a menu.
- 1. PLAY
- Simple enough. You must confirm
- each voice with a <Y> or <N> key press
- before the music starts.
- 2. EDIT
- This is where the action happens,
- so we will go into detail below.
- 3. LOAD
- Of course, you must load a .MUS
- file (or write some music from
- scratch) before you can play it.
- 4. SAVE
- Put your song on the disk. We have
- added Scratch and Save convenience.
- Take a look at the .MUS files on
- the disk.
- 6. QUIT
- Returns you to LOADSTAR if an LS
- disk is in an active drive.
- -------
- When you choose <2> off the Main
- Menu, press the number key for the
- voice you want to edit. This program
- was written in 1984 -- long before the
- concept of pull-down menus (let alone
- mouse capabilities). So here are all
- the various and sundry keypresses you
- will need to write music.
- F1 - Returns to Previous Screen
- F2 - Move to Begining of Song
- F3 - Move to Command Menu
- F4 - Move to End of Song
- F5 - Move to Measure (input #)
- F7 - Mark Measure in Song
- Right Cursor - Move Right thru Song
- Down Cursor - Move Left thru Song
- ENTER - Enter current note into Song
- DEL - Delete Entry in Song
- INST - Insert space in Song
- Number Keys 0-7 - Set Octave
- W-H-Q-8-S-T - Choose note duration
- + - Sharp note
- - - Flat note
- \ <ENGLISH POUND> - Natural note
- R - Rest for set duration
- / - Tie current note to next
- M - Measure On/Off
- U - Utility
- You can also use the joystick to
- set the current note:
- Joy Up - Pitch Up
- Joy Down - Pitch Down
- Joy Left - Duration Down
- Joy Right - Duration Up
- Pressing F3 takes you to the
- Command screen. Use the Right and Down
- Cursor keys to move through the song,
- and the Joystick to find the command
- you want to add. These are fairly well
- self-documented. INST will put a space
- in the song. DEL will remove an item.
- F1 returns you to the Edit Screen.
- WHY?
- ----
- LOADSTAR has SongSmith, which is
- hugely easier to use for transcribing
- music than the one-voice-at-a-time
- sequencer method of SID Editor.
- However, SIDPlayer is something of a
- standard for music in North America,
- so we also have SIDSmith, which
- converts SongSmith files to SIDPlayer
- files.
- And with SID Editor, you can now
- tweak your converted SongSmith song.
- For various reasons, Tempo is not well
- converted. Also, SongSmith does not do
- tied notes across measures. These can
- be fixed with SID Editor.
- One quirk we discovered in fixing
- a conversion is that if the very first
- note in the song is a rest, it will
- become bogus. We found "B-4" or "B 4"
- when a REST was expected. So move to
- this first note and press <R>, then
- return to the Main Menu (press <F1>)
- and Save the song. In fact, <B-4> and
- <B 4> that are actually <R>'s will be
- all through the song. It seems to play
- correctly, so it doesn't hurt
- anything.
- This SID Editor is [not] Enhanced
- SID Editor, so it does not include
- such features as triplets. But then
- again, SongSmith doesn't have
- triplets, either. Actually, with some
- clever Tempo work, one can make three
- notes take the same amount of time as
- two. But you'll have to do the math.
- The only way to learn the ins and
- outs of a music program (make that
- [any] program) is to play with it. Try
- out the various features. Experiment!
- But mostly -- have fun!